Thank you for considering membership in Big Pink Music!
Support our strong and growing local music scene by joining us to create a community-based listening room for Coastal Virginia. Your membership will help fund no-cover local music events during the week and earn you a discount on special in-the-round ticketed shows on selected weekends. As membership grows, we hope to expand membership benefits.
Big Pink “Listener” - $100 per year
$100 level is a membership for a single individual and includes:
Discount/Presale for ticketed concerts
Opportunity to a host a “Member Takeover” show
Big Pink “Presenter” - $500 per year
$500 is a membership for up to 2 people with common contact information and includes:
Complimentary Admission +1 / Reserved Seating for ticketed “Bluebird-style” in-the-round concerts
Opportunity to a host a “Member Takeover” show
One private use of Victorian Station per year (terms provided upon request)
Please submit the application form below and
we will e-mail you with payment options